Saturday, September 18, 2010

Crushed by Maple Trees

by Clarence Dember on Saturday, September 18, 2010
Every now and then I have to go to IHop for some pancakes with real maple syrup. (i actually don't have time to make my own syrup if you can believe it!)
So, back in the day, maple syrup really came from a kind of Maple tree: from the Sugar Maple /acer saccharum and black maple /acer nigrum. These trees were cultivated in orchards for this purpose or found in the wild.
They were not near any power lines, houses, parkways or other places frequented by vehicles or people.
Elm trees though slow growing were used for neighborhood beautification. Thanks in large part to the Dutch Elm disease, the Elms are mostly gone. In their place the quick growing and picturesque Silver Maple has taken up residence. This is why any time there is a significant storm on Long Island or in New York City you can find these giant surface root behemoths toppled over onto highways, houses and cars. People who have Oaks in their yards or near their side walks avoid this seasonal havoc.
Now that I think of it, with all of the variations of Franken foods and Franken- seeds available now-a-days why are there no Franken-Elm-trees or Franken-Maple trees? There's "Roundup Ready" Soybeans and Fish genes in our tomatoes; so why are there no hybrid Silver Maples with deep going roots or Elm Trees impervious to Dutch Elm disease?
Why does the city of New York keep planting these menaces to society in close proximity to dwellings, roadways and places of business? Why don't universities clamor to design a more durable Elm or a more stable Maple? This would be more compassionate and cost effective than the loss of life and property year after year!

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