Monday, September 28, 2009

The Movie: Surrogates

I enjoyed the plot detail. However, like "The Matrix',  "Aeon Flux", "The Day the Earth Stood Still",  "Equilibrium", "Forbidden Planet", "Terminator" and many other Science Fiction movies you know these things always end with the destruction of dystopia causing technology gone horribly wrong. These are different than movies like "Alien" or "Predator"  and "AVP" in the sense that in the latter type it is a malevolent life form being eliminated to restore balance among humanity, not a technology. In the movies "Forbidden Planet" "The Matrix", "The Golden Compass" and  "Equilibrium" both boxes would be checked. The point of "Surrogates" seems to be that while real technological surrogates (androids networked to our brains with hardware, firmware and software) could provide a kind of second life in real life for society's handicapped and physically challenged members when they needed it (to go to places physically the challenged found no access), it would ultimately be abused by everybody just like the prescription anti-anxiety / anti-pain medications we're familiar with in real life. Here abuse happens because those seeking fantasy once enabled would soon choose  to never leave their apartments sober and as themselves. To reclaim the human condition for humanity, the hero ( Bruce Willis) must unplug real people from the surrogate network. (I thought that was  Morpheus's job.) So working your way to responsibility and adulthood in this flick would  not guarantee you could do what you wanted with your life because someone else would judge the efficacy of your paradigms and adjust the game accordingly. Any way you splice it, that's a lot of lines of code to corrupt, edit, or debug. Seems that for  something with that much effort and money behind it there would be better safeguards and the location of the mainframe would not allow access to the general population (like in "Aeon Flux",  "Resident Evil" and The Matrix). Yet, TV still exists here and there while our own World Trade center complex faced premature demolition in 2001.
Basing an entire society on surrogate activity as a primary living circumstance is where this screen play becomes utter fantasy,  although like Wall Street trading, it would seem to be one of the ultimate RPGs (Role Playing Games) this life could offer.

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