Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Are the ancestors watching, really? What is the evidence?

It is a commonly accepted expression in this society that "the ancestors are watching." What exactly are they watching if no one minds illuminating these facets of our Ka as the ancient ians I hought of it. Those who have mastered their own Ka or destiny would of necessity have left us with individual impressions of their operating ethics,
to include altruism and ethno-centrisms alike.

You've doubtless heard the expression "what would momma do or what would dad do in this situation?"

While these voices from intimate memory can evoke the loving guidance of the elders, they must in time be evaluated by the listener to determine if they still ring true. So long as there is this conceptual plank such good orderly direction can avoid the abyss of dogma which has swallowed whole legions of well meant councils.

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