Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Some new U.S. Patent laws are heading our way.

Phone App not certified? Take your best shot!
Per the U.S. Patent office new rules.

The days of skimpy bandwidth, proprietary network exclusions of perfectly good software apps and Goat Footed Balloon Men are nearly over in the U.S.A. !!

"Charge it to my smart phone, please!!"

Credit card plastic? Hold the petroleum- I'll pay by tricorder.

My phone company is about to expand it's accounts billable to me. Could the "Bank writ be a thing of the past?
We'll be agreeing to abide by "all the rules of our phones" instead...!

Yeah, Not for nothing- Hewlett Packard has swallowed up PALM. I still have my Palm Treo 700P; the banks wish they owned phone companies ....

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